Antirracismo a favor de la equidad (PEAR)

Estamos creando un ecosistema de Antirracismo a Favor de la Equidad (PEAR) en el que todos los habitantes de Washington tengan pleno acceso a las oportunidades, el poder y los recursos que necesitan para prosperar y alcanzar su máximo potencial.

Objetivos y resultados del ecosistema PEAR

Los objetivos de PEAR y las estrategias generales que figuran a continuación guían la prestación de bienes, servicios, políticas y prácticas estatales para que todos los habitantes de Washington puedan participar, prosperar y alcanzar su máximo potencial. La Oficina de Equidad se asociará con las agencias estatales y las comunidades para crear un informe anual para el gobernador y la legislatura. El informe incluirá las fortalezas y los logros de la agencia sobre la base de las expectativas de PEAR y la eficacia de los programas y servicios de la agencia para reducir las disparidades, incluido el plan de acción de la agencia para abordar las áreas de mejora continua y un cronograma para el plan de acción.

1. Implement a pro-equity, anti-racism framework in partnership with relevant communities and organizations

Partner with others to intentionally name and address implicit and explicit bias and all levels of racism, particularly against people who are seen and treated as Black, Indigenous, or People of Color.

2. Embrace continuous learning, growing, and pivoting

Build organizational capacity and infrastructure to continuously learn, improve, and make adjustments to sustain meaningful policy and systems change that achieves equitable policies, practices, and outcomes.

3. Consistently assess your equity impact

Understand and acknowledge your agency’s equity impact to inform agency planning, decision-making, and action steps when changing policies, programs, and practices that perpetuate inequities and when developing new policies and programs that perpetuate equity.

4. Make values driven, data informed upstream investments

Identify and target root causes of opportunity gaps and disparities and prioritize the people who have traditionally been excluded to improve outcomes that benefit all.

5. Be transparent, accountable, and operate with urgency

Create and maintain a long-term commitment to change and help others to see the benefit to them for acting immediately. Build public trust and accountability for sustaining equity through values-driven, data-informed decision-making and outcome tracking.

Plan y manual de estrategias de PEAR

El Plan y Manual del Ecosistema de Antirracismo a Favor de la Equidad (PEAR) del Estado de Washington describe el marco y las herramientas que las agencias del estado de Washington utilizarán para crear un ecosistema PEAR en el que todos los habitantes de Washington tengan pleno acceso a las oportunidades, el poder y los recursos que necesitan para prosperar y alcanzar su máximo potencial. 

Vea y descargue el plan y manual de estrategias de PEAR

El proceso PEAR

1. Establish a Complete PEAR Team

Executive Order 22-04 directs state agencies to create a PEAR team composed of agency executive leaders, the agency equity officer, employees, external customers, partners, and experts for key business lines. The PEAR team model is rooted in relational partnership, contact us for more information on the relational partnership model.

The PEAR team is responsible for assisting their respective agency to achieve PEAR outcomes and the goals set forth in Executive Order 22-04.

Note that the PEAR Team should be fully established and actively engaged before completing the baseline Equity Impact Assessment. Without a strong team in place, there is a greater likelihood of gaps in the work. 

Step 2: Complete Initial Baseline Equity Impact Assessment (EIA)

The five-step equity impact assessment (EIA) process blends numerical (quantitative) data and community voices (qualitative data) to inform agency planning, decision-making, and implementation of actions that achieve equitable access to opportunities and resources that reduce disparities and improve equitable outcomes statewide. 

The EIA is a critical step in developing the PEAR Strategic Action Plan because the assessment informs the strategic actions ultimately defined in the action plan. The fully formed agency PEAR team will complete the EIA before creating the agency’s PEAR Strategic Action Plan. Learn more about the equity impact assessment (EIA) and download the template.

Step 3: Complete the PEAR Strategic Action Plan Template and Quarterly Performance Tracker

Each agency is required to create a PEAR Strategic Action Plan that is informed by a completed Equity Impact Assessment (EIA).

The action plan includes measurable goals that focus on outcomes and impact. It outlines service line investments the agency will make in the coming year. Each investment is designed to close gaps in opportunity or remove barriers that negatively impact Washingtonians. The investments the agency will make are guided by the PEAR Determinants of Equity and are designed to serve the impacted communities.