VIII. Introduction

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“The wrong first question is what do we need to do? The right first question is who do we need to become?” –Benjamin McBride

Washington state will transform from its current state to a Pro-Equity Anti-Racism (PEAR) ecosystem (future state).

Current state:

Some Washingtonians question the legitimacy of state government because decisions are consistently made without them.

VII. Definitions & Abbreviations

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“If my colleagues had the right language, it would make conversations a thousand times easier.” –David Baboolall (they/them)

It is important to have a shared vocabulary in equity and social justice work. Below is a short list of common terms and abbreviations used throughout this document, along with their meanings.

VI. Executive Summary

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“Everything seems impossible until it’s done.” –Nelson Mandela

The Washington State Pro-Equity Anti-Racism (PEAR) Ecosystem Plan & Playbook outlines the framework and tools that Washington state agencies will use to create a PEAR ecosystem in which all Washingtonians have full access to the opportunities, power, and resources they need to flourish and achieve their full potential.

V. PEAR Plan & Playbook Design Team

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“Teamwork makes the dream work.” –John Maxwell

Washington’s Pro-Equity Anti-Racism (PEAR) Ecosystem Plan & Playbook was developed in partnership with a team of expert consultants who also created an online toolkit and data maps for use by state agencies and other stakeholders across the state to collectively measure progress toward broad goals that advance equity and justice in Washington.

PEAR Plan & Playbook Design Team

Karen A. Johnson, Ph.D.
Director, WA State Office of Equity

IV. Background: Why? How? So What?

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Why? The legislature established the Office of Equity because:

1. They found that the diversity of Washington’s population has increased over the last several decades.

Change in race and ethnicity of Washington residents from 2010 to 2020

Source: U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey, 2010 and 2020 5-year Estimates Detailed Tables, last accessed 12/22/2022.

III. Preface

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“Everyone is different. Everyone belongs here.” –Unknown

As the inaugural Director of the Washington State Office of Equity, located in the Office of the Governor, I am honored to present the Washington State Pro-Equity Anti-Racism (PEAR) Ecosystem Plan & Playbook.

II. Foreword

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“…equity and justice for all, now and for generations to come.”

The year 2020 ushered in a decade of both historic challenge and historic opportunity.

I. Acknowledgments

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We acknowledge our ancestors, our elders, and those who began the quest for equity, social justice, access, and belonging for all people long before the state of Washington put forth this five-year Washington State Pro-Equity Anti-Racism (PEAR) Ecosystem Plan & Playbook (“PEAR Plan & Playbook”). We recognize and honor the commitments and sacrifices made by so many champions for equity in Washington state government, in our communities, in our region, across the nation, and worldwide.

PEAR Plan & Playbook

Submitted by ricardo on
The Washington State Pro-Equity Anti-Racism (PEAR) Ecosystem Plan & Playbook outlines the framework and tools that Washington state agencies will use to create a PEAR ecosystem in which all Washingtonians have full access to the opportunities, power, and resources they need to flourish and achieve their full potential.