Resource Library

“If folks can’t imagine you as a human, all the policy in the world is irrelevant” -Ta-Nehisi Coates

We are each responsible for our own learning. It is not the responsibility of your employer, your neighborhood, your state, county or city, your church, your school, or anyone else to teach you about another culture, the complexity of our nation’s history around inequality, inequity, racism, and oppression. You are responsible and accountable to yourself in perpetuating inequity, racism, and oppression or for being part of the change to liberation, justice, and belonging for all.

Your search returned 11 results.

Preview of CoP slide

August Community of Practice (CoP) Slides PDF

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Mood meter quadrant handout preview

Mood Meter handout with four quadrants

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A preview of the pdf Community of Practice Kick-Off Suggestions document. Download a pdf for full access.

Community of Practice May 2024 Kickoff Suggestions

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First slide of the Community of Practice slide deck. Download pdf to access whole slide deck.

July 2024 Community of Practice Presentation

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Preview of first slide of Community Compensation Guidelines Slide Deck. Download presentation for complete information.

June 2024 Equity Learning Series Presentation - Community Compensation Guidelines

Read More   about June 2024 Equity Learning Series Presentation - Community Compensation Guidelines
Community of Practice

May 2024 Community of Practice Presentation

Read More   about May 2024 Community of Practice Presentation
preview of document

Relational Partnership: Seven Pit Stops to a Belonging State

Read More   about Relational Partnership: Seven Pit Stops to a Belonging State