Legislative Priorities

Promoting equitable access to opportunities and resources across Washington

Two parents embrace their child, one parent wears a hijab and the other parent is wearing a hat..
Two queer parents hold their children on their laps teaching them how to play video games.

Our legislative and rulemaking priorities, policy recommendations, and consultation with state agencies focuses on co-creating a seamless, integrated, world-class, equitable and just public service delivery system where a team of actively engaged public servants bring their whole self a to work to provide a superior customer experience to Washingtonians seeking assistance. We will partner with others to decrease inequities in employment and contracting, improve access to state services, and surpass accessibility (language, physical, technological/internet) requirements across state government.

Omar Santana-Gomez

Equity in Session: Season 1 Episode 5

February 19, 2024  • 
News & Updates

Equity in Session is the Office of Equity’s video series on weekly 2024 legislative session updates. In this episode, OOE Staff Member Omar Santana-Gomez and OOE Legislative Aide Patrick Stickney talk about legislative priorities and bills to watch from the previous week of session. Unfortunately, we have some bad news this week about HB 2313. We also see a clip of Omar’s comment while testifying for E2SHB 1541. All of these bills and more are linked below.

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Omar Santana Gomez

Equity in Session: Season 1 Episode 4

February 12, 2024  • 
News & Updates

Equity in Session is the Office of Equity’s new video series on weekly legislative updates. In this episode, OOE Staff Member Omar Santana-Gomez, OOE Legislative Aide Patrick Stickney, and LGBTQ Commission's Program Manager Sam Fennell talk about legislative priorities and bills to watch for the week of January 29th through February 2nd.

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Megan Matthews, Director

Equity in Session: Season 1 Episode 3

February 05, 2024  • 
News & Updates

In this third episode of Equity in Session, Office of Equity's Director Megan Matthews and Office of Equity's Legislative Aide Patrick Stickney, talk about legislative priorities and bills to watch for the week of January 22nd through the 26th. Megan also points our viewers to make their voice heard on current legislation by visiting leg.wa.gov! 

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Governor's Committee on Disability Issues & Employment (GCDE)

Commission on Hispanic Affairs

Women's Commission