Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources
Parks & Natural Resources that provide access for all people to safe, clean and quality outdoor spaces, facilities and activities that appeal to the interest of all communities.
Parks, trails, and green spaces promote recreation and improve neighborhood quality. Living in areas with access to natural resources is associated with physical activity and positive mental health. The goal of examining parks and natural resources with an equity lens is to understand the accessibility of recreation opportunities across the State of Washington.
Resident satisfaction is a measure that sheds light on the overall community perception of parks in the State. This measure is important because it captures community voice on this important government service. Monitoring community feedback allows the opportunity to improve service delivery as needed.
Open Greenspace
Resident satisfaction is a measure that sheds light on the overall community perception of parks in the State. This measure is important because it captures community voice on this important government service. Monitoring community feedback allows the opportunity to improve service delivery as needed.
Regional Trails
Regional trails provide space for recreation and can serve to mobilize people by connecting trails to key areas of opportunity. For example, regional trails can connect people to transit centers and jobs. The goal of examining the location of regional trails with an equity lens is to understand the distribution of and recreational opportunities across Washington.
Park Accessibility
Parks promote recreation and improve neighborhood quality. Parks contribute to neighborhood greenness, which is associate with physical activity and positive mental health. Park accessibility is important to measure because it shows the distance people have to travel to access these public facilities. The goal of examining park accessibility with an equity lens is to understand recreational opportunities across Washington.
Accessible Playgrounds
Livable communities create opportunity to access recreation appropriate for all ages. Playgrounds provide the opportunity for an active lifestyle in households with children. Furthermore, playgrounds are often located on or near parks which makes this measure a viable proxy for park distribution. The goal of looking at playground distribution with an equity lens is to understand recreational opportunities throughout the State.