Aylis J Lind, Statewide Equity Accountability Analyst

Aylis J Lind

Statewide Equity Accountability Analyst


What do you love to do outside of the Office of Equity?

"I'm a storyteller and an author, either at a tabletop, at an improv event, or in a book. I am sharing my love of stories with my two children, and helping them to grow big, strong, wise, and kind."

What do you contribute to the Office of Equity?

"My superpower is "yes-and". I've been facilitating process improvement and visualizing data on team journeys for almost ten years. Before that, I worked in the Community Services Division helping families get on their feet. I am open on my messy journey in pro-equity and anti-racism because we aren't in a contest. We all thrive when we lift each other up, and I love to share the story of how the work can look brighter when everyone has a chance to take part."

"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." - Maya Angelou

Why are you in this role?

"I arrived in Washington as a 19-year-old from an insular, highly religious upbringing that ended in an early marriage and a violent divorce. I didn't know what I didn't know, but I knew that I had failed at everything I'd been told I was supposed to be. What changed my life was finding people who chose me to be my friend...and more than that, took me aside and with love and grace, told me when my words or my perspective was harming them because I couldn't see it. All I can do is give back the grace and belonging that I was given."

"You are enough now; you're doing the best you can. Maya Angelou said: 'Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better'."