Implementation Phases

“For tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” –African Proverb

The Office of Equity and all state agency leaders are responsible and accountable for implementing Executive Order 22-04, “Implementing the Washington State Pro-Equity Anti-Racism (PEAR) Plan & Playbook.”

State Agency Leaders are directed to:

  1. Develop a PEAR Team;
  2. Conduct an agency Equity Impact Assessment;
  3. Develop and implement PEAR Strategic Action Plan; and
  4. Prepare and submit a PEAR Annual Performance Report to the Office of Equity each year to demonstrate performance, using outcome-based methodology to determine the effectiveness of agency programs and services on reducing disparities, taking into consideration community feedback on whether the performance measures established accurately measure the effectiveness of agency programs and services in the communities served.

Implementation Phases

The Washington State Office of Equity will provide consultation, technical assistance, and resources to facilitate state agency implementation of Washington’s PEAR Ecosystem in 
three phases.

Phase 1: Compliance

Support agencies in meeting Executive Order 22-04 to apply a pro-equity, anti-racism lens in all aspects of decision-making (RCW 43.06D.040 (1)(a)).

  • Establish PEAR Teams
  • Conduct Equity Impact Assessment
  • Develop PEAR Strategic Action Plans
  • Produce PEAR Annual Performance Report

Phase 2: Transformation

Champion agency transformation that seeks and embraces community partnership, centering the voice of people impacted by state programs and services in all we do (RCW 43.06D.040 (1)(a)).

Within the 11 PEAR Service Lines, the Office of Equity’s Pro-Equity Consultants will provide consultation and technical assistance to help agencies identify:

  • PEAR priorities
  • PEAR strategic action plan investments
  • PEAR organizational habits
  • PEAR intended outcomes
  • PEAR performance measures

Phase 3: Accountability

Establish statewide and agency-specific process and performance measures that foster continued growth and movement towards equity and justice for all, measuring outcomes and impact (RCW 43.06D.040 (1)(a)).