Washington Commissions
Represent Your Community

Commision on Hispanic Affairs
The Commission on Hispanic Affairs (CHA) began as a grassroots movement to improve conditions for Latinos in Washington. The mission of CHA is to aid in the development of public policy and the delivery of government services to the Hispanic community by identifying needs and defining issues, advising on policies, and establishing community and cross-sector relationships.

Governor's Office of Indian Affairs
The Governor's Office of Indian Affairs (GOIA) promotes the government-to-government relationship between the State of Washington and Indian Tribes, advocates for the social and economic betterment of all American Indians and Alaska Natives living within Washington State and educates for a greater cultural understanding of the State’s first citizens.

LGBTQ Commission
The Washington State LGBTQ Commission works to improve the state’s interface with the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirit, and intersex community, identify the needs of its members, and ensures that there is an effective means of advocating for LGBTQ equity in all aspects of state government.

Commission on African American Affairs
The Commission on African American Affairs (CAAA) serves as the official state representative of the African American community and advises the Governor and Legislature regarding policy development and implementation. CAAA also works to establish relationships with local governments and private sector organizations that promote equal opportunity for African Americans.

Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs
The Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs (CAPAA) seeks to improve the lives of Asian Pacific Americans in Washington state by ensuring their access to participation in the fields of government, business, education, and other areas. CAPAA works in partnership with community and state leaders to respond to concerns and bring about positive change and long-term solutions.

Governor's Committee on Disability Issues and Employment
The Governor's Committee on Disability Issues and Employment (GDCE) provides state level advocacy and leadership with the disability community to obtain equity in economic opportunity and community inclusion. GCDE promotes equality, opportunity, independence, and full participation in life for people with disabilities and envisions an equitable Washington where people with disabilities experience full inclusion, full participation and economic vibrancy.

Department of Veterans Affairs
The Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA) helps connect veterans and their family members to the benefits and services they earned through their military service. The mission of WDVA is to serve those who serve and to improve the quality of life for veterans and their families.